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The manuscript should be typed approximately 10-18 pages long in normal text 1.5 spacing with Times New Roman 11pt. It should be written in a systematical order consisting of:
Title, should be short and informative, consisting of 15 words maximum.
The names of author(s), should be fully written, accompanied by the name of the affiliation or institution, address, and email of the author(s).
Abstract, should not exceed 200 words and must be structured into separate sections: Background, the context and background of the study; Objective, the purpose of the study; Methods, how the study was performed and statistical tests used; Results, the main findings; Conclusions, brief summary, and potential implications. The abstract should be accompanied by 3-5 keywords representing the main article for indexing purposes.
Introduction, describes the background of the problem, formulation of the problem as well as research purposes, a summary of theoretical studies related to the research, and sometimes included implications and benefits of the results to the overall field of study.
Methods, describes the methods used in the study, including the study design, population and sample (targeted research), data collection process, and data analysis techniques. If applicable, the hypothesis is stated and the approach that was taken to test the hypothesis is briefly described.
Results, were presented only for the analysis and hypothesis testing results that need to be reported. The data itself should be presented in tables and figures and should be described with sufficient notes. Graphics should be limited to a maximum of 5 tables and figures. For quantitative research, the results should indicate any statistical analysis that was performed, and make sure to indicate specific statistical data, such as p-values. For qualitative research, the results should be detailed in the form of topics and research focus.
Discussion, answers the problem formulation and research questions, demonstrates how the findings obtained, explains the interpretation of the findings and how they are used to solve problems, highlights any differences and similarities with previous research and possible intervention to address the problems. It is also often informative if a discussion of the potential weaknesses of the interpretation is also included.
Conclusion, contains a summary of the major findings and aims to answer the research questions stated from the results. Conclusions contain no new data or findings.
Recommendation, provides a brief statement of how this work contributes to the overall field of study. You may also include recommendations for improvements to the method, or suggestions for future research.
Acknowledgement, provides a brief statement acknowledging the efforts of any participants or consultants who are not included as authors of the manuscript. State all of the funding sources for the work, ensuring that the statement adheres to the guidelines provided by the funding institution.
References, cited in the text should be included and follow Vancouver Superscript style, indicated by the use of a number. References in the article are followed by the superscript number in order of appearance in the text. A minimum of 20 references should be included in the manuscript. References are preferably recent (no more than 10 years) and refer to at least 80% consist of scientific journals.
Book (name, the year of publication and the publisher's name):
Journal article (author, title essay, the journal name, year, volume number, issue number, and pages):
You may wish to make use of reference management software, such as Mendeley or Endnote to ensure that reference lists are correctly formatted.
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Click here to download guidelines for authors.
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Authors who publish with Jurnal Kesehatan Reproduksi (Journal of Reproductive Health) agree to the following terms:
The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.
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